Ethiopia is located in the horn of Africa. As of 2020, there are about 115 million inhabitants in Ethiopia (World Bank, 2021). According to Worldometers, it is the second most populous country in Africa. According to UNICEF, over 36 million children in Ethiopia are poor. Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world. As a result of their poverty, they do not have the resources to attend schools. On top of that, over 2 years ago, a war was started in the northern part of Ethiopia. According to United Nation Refugee Agency, over 2.1 million Ethiopians have been displaced as a result of the current war. This aggravated the poverty and the suffering of children.​
The For Ethiopian Children Fundraiser hosted an event at Midlothian High School on May 7 with auctioning, book, cultural valuables, and food selling. We raised a net total of $2,340.23 from the fundraiser event and a net total of $3,714.83 from the GoFundMe page. In total we raised $6,055.06 !
During the summer of 2022, I travelled to Ethiopia and used your generous funds to provide the immediate needs of children who are displaced by the war and those who are in poverty, by providing basic needs and school supplies. Amhara Media Corporation nationally televised and broadcasted these moments. I donated one half to refugee camps of Yifat Development Association in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia. 260 students were supported at this location; of which 208 female students were supplied with 3 underwears and a 6 month supply of soap and pads and 52 male students were supplied with 3 underwears and a 6 month supply of soap. I donated the other half of my funds to Zege Elementary School in Zege-Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. I provided 982 Reference Books, one Printer, one Desktop, one 32-inch TV, one TV Dish, abd one TV Receiver. These school supplies were provided, in an effort to stimulate the growth of the future of the children. Education provides the tool that these children need to escape from adversity and change their future. These children thank you for your support and kindness during these times of tribulation. Talking with these children was very inspiring and emotional. They have so much strength, even with their circumstances. This has inspired me to continue giving back to these innocent Ethiopian children...
In-depth report with Amhara Media Corporation televised broadcast.